About Us


Islamic Resort Centre is is an encompassing islamic center which consist of Schools, Vocational center, Orphanage, Resorts, Gyming and sports, Hospital etc located in the northern part of Nigeria.

The School consist sof sections which include Khalwah for grooming and teaching kids Qur’an memorization, Tahwheed, Hadeeth, Fiqh , Akhlaaq and Arabic language from the age of 7 – 14 years.

Intensive Classes: this section grooms the kids that have already memorized ths Holy Qur’an to be able to cope with their western education.

Holiday Classes: This section is only for students fron other schools or spheres who will like to use a specific period to Memorize the Qur’an and learn other Islamic knowledge

This center has many segments towards guiding the ummah. This is based on the saying of the great scholar and the author of Ar-Risalah Ibn Abi Zayd Al-Qayrawaani who said “(Know that the best of hearts is the one which contains the most good and those hearts which are most likely to gain good are the ones which no evil has been able to get into.

The thing that the people of advice are most concerned about and which those who desire its reward most want is to put good into the hearts of the children of the believers so that it becomes firmly established in them; and to make them realize what the bases of the deen and the limits of the Shari’a are in order that they may be satisfied with that and to make them realize those things in the deen which their hearts have to accept and their limbs are required to do)”.

This segment is the intensive memorization segment that boards children between the ages of 7 and 14. It caters for their feeding, uniform, housing and other curriculum activities

What We Do

Islamic Resort Centre is is an encompassing Islamic centre


The program is for at least two (2) years. Depending on each student’s capacity. Each child is coached according to his capacity and will be allowed to do as much as he can and will not be rushed until we’re sure the child has memorized what is expected of him.


The main subject of learning is memorizing the Qur’an, which is the basics. The students will be taught how to read and write the Qur’an. They will also memorize Hadeeth, Fiqh, Tauheed, and Adhkaar. We will also imbibe good manners and character in the children.

Mode of study

Our modes of study includes classroom tutoring and practical demonstration by our trained teachers. The only mode of communication is Arabic apart from learning it in class they also communicate among themselves.


Practice Islam according to Qur’an, Sunnah and The rightly guided predecessors.


Build a society that will emulate the first generation of Muslims through authentic knowledge of the religion and training/practice based on that authentic knowledge.


Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest

For more information about us, send us a message and we will be happy to speak with you.